TLCA San Angelo Mask Mandate Update

Texas Leadership Families,                                                                                       August 25, 2021

In response to the local health order recently released and out of the responsibility of keeping our families informed and notified, we are including the link below so you may personally read the order. We are also including a link from the State Attorney General that includes information regarding the Governor’s executive order, GA-38.

The local order is mandating the wearing of masks for any school where there has been a positive COVID case identified. We have had positive cases identified on our campuses and have sent notifications as required.

Tom Green County Mask Mandate

Below is the link to the State Attorney General’s office where it clearly states that Executive Order GA-38 has the force and effect of State Law and supersedes local rules and regulations.

State Attorney General Page

Texas Leadership is working diligently, as we have since the pandemic began, to mitigate at our greatest level. We continue to clean, encourage personal hygiene, and make available whatever resources we have to our staff and students. We do not intend to interfere with either order but our ability to enforce a mask mandate is very limited and we desire for families to decide what is best for their children.




Ron Ledbetter,

Texas Leadership Superintendent