Proclamation 2024

Texas Leadership Public Schools Instructional Materials And Technology (IMAT) Team manages the adoption, purchase, inventory, and distribution of the district's instructional materials. These materials are primarily purchased with the district's Instructional Materials and Technology Allotment (IMAT) from the Texas Education Agency (TEA). You can read more about TEA's Instructional Materials here.


State-adopted instructional materials and textbooks are selected through a process TEA calls a Proclamation. During the 2023-24 school year, Texas Leadership Public Schools will consider the adoption of TEA-approved instructional materials for the following courses:

  • Science, K-12
  • Technology Apps, K-8
  • CTE, various classes
  • Personal Financial Literacy and Economics


For more information about the TEA Proclamation 2024, click here.




  1. Texas Leadership Public Schools is a closed charter. Therefore, publishers may not have any contact with campus personnel, School Board members, or administrators other than the central administration contacts.
  2. Publishers will attend only districtwide textbook presentations that are initiated by central administration.
  3. Publishers may not initiate or schedule appointments with members of the Board of Trustees, individual teachers, and/or campus or district staff.
  4. Neither publishers nor their representatives may visit, contact, email, or conduct presentations on individual campuses.
  5. Individual or mass mailings, letters, emails, or telephone communications from publishers are not permitted.
  6. Any publisher violating district guidelines regarding the process may be barred or disqualified from participating.
  7. Publishers’ representatives may not initiate any other direct contact with TLPS staff. Inappropriate direct contact may include:
    • Written, telephone, or electronic communication with a committee member at school or at home.
    • Providing gifts or any other forms of gratuity to a committee member.
    • Invitations to a committee member for any type of private meal or social function.
  8. All publishers are advised that any infractions of the above-stated guidelines will result in a report being filed with the Texas Leadership Public Schools Board of Trustees and TEA State Board of Education.
  9. No publisher shall provide or offer a commission or rebate on any textbooks, electronic textbooks, instructional materials, or technological equipment used in the schools with which a Board member, administrator, or teacher is associated.
  10. No publisher shall offer a Board member, administrator, or teacher any gifts, favors, or services that might reasonably tend to influence the Board member, administrator, or teacher in the selection of a textbook, electronic textbook, instructional material, or technological equipment. “Gift, favor, or service” does not include:
    1. Staff development, in-service or teacher training; or
    2. Instructional materials, such as maps or worksheets, that convey information to the student or otherwise contribute to the learning process. Education Code 31.152
  11. Each publisher is responsible for submitting usernames/passwords to the district for consideration. Access to the online materials will be available for review on our secure district platform. All electronic materials are considered samples and will be provided free of charge.
  12. Publishers and their representatives will have an opportunity to participate in public exhibits to answer questions or describe materials. Publishers will bring materials and then collect and remove materials at the end of the evening.
  13. Publishers and their representatives will have an opportunity to answer questions and present materials for selection.
  14. Publishers are prohibited from discussing with district staff textbook voting-related decisions.




Publishers offer instructional materials that are Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) and Common Cartridge compliant. This ensures the selected materials can be integrated into our existing digital learning ecosystem, including Clever SSO and Rostering.

Instructional Materials that offer usage statistics to ensure the success of adoption and offer insights into where resources need to be provided to support teachers and students instructionally.


Publishers who are interested in being considered for review under any TEA Proclamation should contact Megan Faught directly, and not campuses, as Texas Leadership Public Schools is a closed charter.